During my stay, I was very satisfied with the following:
Guest Room
Comments on your Guest Room
During my stay, I was very satisfied with the following:
Hotel Services & Facilities
Comments on Hotel Services & Facilities
Rod's Steak & Seafood Grille
Did you experience Rod's Steak & Seafood Grille?
Check all meal periods that apply
Did you experience Room Service?
Did you have a problem/issue during your stay?
If yes, what did your problem/issue involve? (mark all that apply)
How well was it resolved? - Staff friendliness
Please describe the problem/issue in more detail
How well was it resolved? - Staff responsiveness
Please describe the problem/issue in more detail
How well was it resolved? - Cleanliness of guestroom
Please describe the problem/issue in more detail
How well was it resolved? - Reservation accuracy
Please describe the problem/issue in more detail
How well was it resolved? - Accuracy of bill
Please describe the problem/issue in more detail
How well was it resolved? - Everything working in my room
Please describe the problem/issue in more detail
How well was it resolved? - Noise
Please describe the problem/issue in more detail
How well was it resolved? - Internet service
Please describe the problem/issue in more detail
How well was it resolved? - Food and beverage experience
Please describe the problem/issue in more detail
How well was it resolved? - Other
Please describe the problem/issue in more detail
Where else have you stayed when visiting the city previously?
Please comment on anything that would have made your stay more enjoyable:
Please provide your contact information:
eMail address:
First Name:
Last Name:
Room Number:
What if anything would you like to see added or changed about our hotel